We would be delighted to perform at your event for your entertainment or to help you raise funds for your organisation or charity.
Please contact either of the secretaries to discuss making a booking. Remember that the choir is typically booked well in advance so we would normally require several months notice.
Our repertoire covers a wide range of music including standard choir pieces, songs from the shows, religious music and some interesting modern arrangements. Where possible we would look to accommodate any particular requests, however our Musical Director would always be the final arbiter of concert content.
Musical Partners
Over the years we have performed alongside other choirs, soloists, instrumentalists, and brass bands. We will, of course, be pleased to sing with any band or soloist from your local community if required.
In particular we have enjoyed a close working relationship with the Rossendale Male Voice Choir for many years. When the ladies join with the men to perform as a mixed choir, it brings a whole new level of excitement, volume and impact to our performance. This mixed choir of over 70 voices is particularly impressive in larger venues.
Fees for joint choir events would be negotiated separately.
Fee - negotiable on application. Additional expenses may be incurred if venue is more than 30 miles from Rossendale. We are responsive to the needs of our local community and where a community group or small charity is looking to raise funds for a good cause, individual circumstances will be considered.
Contact :
Karen Barnes, Concert Secretary 01254 384175
Thank you for inviting the Rossendale Ladies Choir to perform for you.
Please left click on the photograph or logo you wish to use, you should then left click again on the enlargement and then on the box "download file". You will be given the option to open or save the file.
The text below can be copied and pasted to your promotional documents. We would be grateful if you would include our website address on all leaflets/programmes etc - www.rossendaleladieschoir.org.uk
All material is the copyright of the Rossendale Ladies Choir and should only be used with their consent.
Short Version
The Rossendale Ladies Choir was formed in 1977 and has won outstanding acclaim both at home and abroad. Our Musical Director is the very talented John Gray and the choir is accompanied by our pianist Jonnie Gait
During the life of this successful choir there have been some remarkable choral achievements including successes at the international Eistedfodd in Llangollen, festival winning choirs in the “Festival of Festivals” in Warwick, fundraising concerts in the Albert Hall, London, Christmas events in Manchester Cathedral and many local churches. With the Rossendale Male Voice Choir, & Black Dyke Band we performed at The Bridgewater Hall, Manchester raising over £30,000 for The Christie Hospital. is made up of ladies of all ages and all walks of life.
Longer Version
The Rossendale Ladies Choir was formed in 1977 and has won outstanding acclaim both at home and abroad. Our Musical Director is the very talented John Gray and the choir is accompanied by our pianist Jonnie Gait.
During the life of this successful choir there have been some remarkable choral achievements including successes at the International Eistedfodd in Llangollen, festival winning choirs in the "Festival of Festivals" in Warwick, fundraising concerts in the Albert Hall London Christmas Concerts in Manchester Cathedral and many local and national churches. With the Rossendale Male Voice Choir and Black Dyke Band we performed at The Bridgewater Hall, Manchester raising over £30,000 for The Christie Hospital.
The choir give concerts on a fee basis and also to raise funds for a variety of charities. On occasions the choir joins with the Rossendale Male Voice choir and a variety of brass bands, musicians and solo artists to give unique concerts that audiences really enjoy.
The repertoire is varied and ranges from music by classical composers to spirituals, folksongs, modern songs, songs from the shows and songs specially arranged for the choir by eminent contemporary musicians such as Michael Neum and Alan Simmons.
The choir rehearse every Wednesday from 7.30 to 9.3Opm at St Peter's Church, Haslingden and Membership is made up of ladies of all ages and all walks of life.During the life of this successful choir there have been some remarkable choral achievements including successes at the international Eistedfodd in Llangollen, festival winning choirs in the “Festival of Festivals” in Warwick, fundraising concerts in the Albert Hall, London, Christmas events in Manchester Cathedral and many local churches. With the Rossendale Male Voice Choir, & Black Dyke Band we performed at The Bridgewater Hall, Manchester raising over £30,000 for The Christie Hospital. is made up of ladies of all ages and all walks of life.